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of the Harvard College Library, Harvard University


Cover of HJAS Volume 78 Issue 1

June 2018

research articles:
NATHAN VEDAL on cosmological innovations in Chinese phonology
CHELSEA FOXWELL on Meiji woodblock prints as social criticism
JOHN E. HERMAN on Qing settler colonialism in Southwest China
MICHAEL HUNTER on the Last Words of Confucius

review essays:
ANGUS LOCKYER on the Natural History of Japanese colonialism
DAVID A. PALMER on the transnational circulation of spirituality in Asia
DAVID MERVART on Japanese Confucianism

Cover of HJAS Volume 77 Issue 2

December 2017

research articles:
HE BIAN on eighteenth-century Chinese pharmacopeia
MATTHEW STAVROS on monuments and mandalas in medieval Kyoto
MÅRTEN SÖDERBLOM SAARELA on Qing lexicography in Korea and Japan
JOHN WHITTIER TREAT with an Arendtian view of Nanjing and Hiroshima

review essays:
MORGAN PITELKA on seduction in early modern Japanese art
ELLEN WIDMER on gender and the public sphere in modernizing East Asia
T. GRIFFITH FOULK on rehabilitating two neglected Chan Buddhist masters

Cover of HJAS Volume 77 Issue 1

June 2017

Special Issue on the Tributary System:
SAEYOUNG PARK on the IR turn in premodern history
HENDRIK SPRUYT on culture, hegemony, and the limits of political science
SAEYOUNG PARK on an East Asian alternative to Westphalian IR
JOSHUA VAN LIEU on the tribute system and 19th century China-watching
SANKARAN KRISHNA on the insidiousness of Eurocentrism
With a response by DAVID KANG and an afterword by PRASENJIT DUARA

review essays:
JACK CHEN on new approaches to Tang literature
PETER PERDUE on the Yellow River in Chinese history
PERRY LINK on Confucius Institutes

HJAS Vol 76
1 & 2

June–December 2016

research articles:
REGINALD JACKSON on homosocial male relationships in the Tale of Genji
ARIEL FOX on the embodiment of money in Chinese literature
PAUL VIERTHALER with a digital-humanities approach to Chinese book history
ANGELA SCHOTTENHAMMER on Iranian & Arab merchants in Tang maritime commerce

review essays:
JAMES A. BENN on medicine and spells in Tibetan and Chinese Buddhism
SHELDON H. LU on Republican-era Chinese cinema

Cover of HJAS Issue 75 Vol 2 December 2015

December 2015

research articles:
PENG XU on professional singing teachers during the late Ming
SACHI SCHMIDT-HORI on gender construction in medieval Japanese acolyte tales
EDWARD L. SHAUGHNESSY on the Classic of Poetry and the limits of orality
RUYUE HE and MICHAEL NYLAN on the origins of the postface to the Documents

review essays:
DONALD L. BAKER on Tonghak and Korean religious movements
ELENA BARABANTSEVA on US-Chinese historical migrations & identities

Cover for Issue 75/1

June 2015

research articles:
ANDREW HUI on Buddhist allegory in the perplexing ending of Journey to the West
OLIVER WEINGARTEN on the social role of disciples in early Chinese texts
CHARLES HARTMAN and CHO-YING LI on literati resistance during the Song

Cover of HJAS Volume 74 Issue 2

December 2014

research articles:
SOOKJA CHO on the transmission and transformation of a Chinese love story in Korea
RICHARD VON GLAHN on Sino-Japanese maritime trade during the Song & Yuan
DAVID SPAFFORD on the flexibility of the late medieval Japanese house (ie)

Cover of HJAS Volume 74 Issue 1

June 2014

research articles:
XIAOQIAO LING on seventeenth-century Chinese literary representations of law
ROBERT TUCK on changing narratives of Sino-Japanese literary history

Cover of HJAS Volume 73 Issue 2

December 2013

research articles:
DAVID BROPHY on the role of Muslims in Qing-ruled Xinjiang
LAWRENCE ZHANG on the effects of purchasing offices on the Qing bureaucracy
AKIKO WALLEY on Japanese Buddhist statue inscriptions

Cover of HJAS Volume 73 Issue 1

June 2013

research articles:
HEATHER BLAIR on the role of ritual in early medieval Japanese politics
SUKHEE LEE on the complex relations of local elites and the Southern Song state

review essay:
David McMullen on literary textual production during the Tang