Banner Image Source Original image held by the Harvard-Yenching Library
of the Harvard College Library, Harvard University


cover of HJAS showing woodsmen chopping with axes using the "tripod cutting" (kanaegiri 鼎伐り) technique

June & December 2024

AKINOBU KURODA on the importation and uses of old Chinese coins—real and counterfeit—in medieval Japan
MORTEN OXENBOELL on conflicts over forest resources and self-governance among mountain woodsmen in medieval Japan
REINIER H. HESSELINK on the life of a Nagasaki merchant, printer, church elder, and art sponsor during Japan’s “Nanban Moment”
MENGXIAO WANG on the fusion of ritual and theater in a Qing-era Buddhist play and its staging for edification and entertainment

Review Essays:
SEONMIN KIM on two scholarly arguments for Chosŏn Korea’s centrality in the history of imperial Chinese designs
MARIANA MÜNNING comparing a pair of recent studies about the creation of a national language for China

Biographical Essay:
MARY ELIZABETH BERRY on Elizabeth Huff (1912–1988), Harvard grad & founder of the UC Berkeley East Asian Library

And reviews of books by Peter Bol, Michael Bourdaghs, Paul Cha, Wai-yee Li, Hwasook Nam, Morgan Pitelka, Janine Sawada, Nathan Vedal, Lan Wu, and Lawrence Zhang

cover of HJAS showing a man who encounters a tiger and a snake during his ascent of the mountain

December 2023

Research Articles:
XIN WEN on Khotanese kings’ adoption of the trappings of Chinese imperial rulership in post-Tang Central Asia
PAIZE KEULEMANS on reevaluating the Ming novel Outlaws of the Marsh through the lens of its video-game remediation
JEFFREY WENG on the material and economic constraints facing Chinese character simplification during the Nanjing decade

Review Essays:
PETER BOL on three recent studies using historical data to theorize China’s late-imperial challenges
DIANE WEI LEWIS on four studies examining the persistence of hegemonic masculinities in East Asia’s media sphere

cover of HJAS showing two men operating a double-action box-bellows while smelting silverized lead.

June 2023

research articles:
YUDA YANG & NANNY KIM on reevaluating the scale of Ming and Qing silver mining outputs
VINCENT GOOSSAERT on Daoist catechisms’ promotion of the god Laojun in post-Yuan China
YAN LIU on the material and cultural history of saffron’s transmission to China

review essays:
NICOLAS TACKETT on the history and future of applying digital methods to China studies
SUNG-SHENG YVONNE CHANG on the state-of-the-field in the study of Taiwan Literature

cover of HJAS showing a 19th century hanging scroll, color drawing on silk

December 2022

research articles:
CHEN LIU on the rise of tiba colophons as a literary genre in Song dynasty China
ELLEN GARDNER NAKAMURA on the social history of sea bathing in Meiji Japan
CHARLOTTE EUBANKS on the interment and excavation of Buddhist sutras in Japan

review essay:
D. JONATHAN FELT on the study of local and borderland spaces in early China

cover of HJAS showing a woodblock print of a steam locomotive, telegraph, and rickshaw

June 2022

research articles:
GALA MARIA FOLLACO on urban Japanese soundscapes in 1874
SUYOUNG SON on use of self-images in late Ming publishing
KEITH McMAHON on modes of sexual language in Jin Ping Mei

review essays:
REGINALD JACKSON on anglophone Heian literary studies
CHARLENE MAKLEY on Buddhist geopolitics across Tibetan history

Cover of HJAS 81 1&2
1 & 2

June-December 2021

special issue articles:
LÚCIO DE SOUSA on slavery’s invisibility in Asia
ADAM CLULOW & SIYEN FEI on Chinese slaveholders in SE Asia
CLAUDE CHEVALEYRE on lineage regulations on slavery
NAM-LIN HUR on Japan’s invasion & capture of Koreans
TINA LU on slavery in The Plum in the Golden Vase
SAM H. BASS on slave donations to lamas in Mongolia
SUN JOO KIM on the resilience of Korean slavery
EUGÉNIE MÉRIEAU on slavery as state resistance in Siam
STUART M. MCMANUS on slavery in Macau & South China
HYUN SUK PARK on courtesan slavery in Chosŏn Korea
KRISTIN ROEBUCK on female slavery in Asia-Pacific patriliny
JOHANNA S. RANSMEIER on slavery’s spectrum

review essays:
DAVID R. AMBARAS on reconciliations in East Asia
ALEXANDER ZAHLTEN on “Asian Media Studies”
WENQING KANG on queer East Asia

Cover of HJAS issue 80/2

December 2020

research articles:
THOMAS KELLY on the Song poet Su Shi and ink making
RUTH YUN-JU CHEN on Song innovations in managing medical knowledge
JAMES REICHERT on fetishism, allegory, and irony in Bushūkō hiwa
STEPHEN R. BOKENKAMP on animal rebirth in Buddhism and Daoism

review essays:
LIVIA KOHN on medieval Chinese Daoism
RAJA ADAL on sound, music and speech in modern Japan
KIRK W. LARSEN on movements across Korea’s border

Cover of HJAS issue 80/1

June 2020

research articles:
MICHAEL McCARTY on Jien, monk and political actor in medieval Japan
ZHIYI YANG on Wang Jingwei’s equivocal use of cultural memory
ALEXANDER DES FORGES on Tang Xianzu’s analysis of excess production
TINA LU on Xinxue’s derivation from 16th-century textual practices

review essays:
REBECCA DORAN on Tang material culture and fashion
MELISSA J BROWN on footbinding in economic context

Cover of HJAS 79 1&2
1 & 2

June-December 2019

research articles:
LUCAS RAMBO BENDER on poetry about the An Lushan rebellion
UFFE BERGETON on translating wen 文 as culture in The Analects
GUOJUN WANG on theatrical costuming and identity in the early Qing
SI NAE PARK on cosmopolitan-vernacular mediation in the Chosŏn
PATRICIA BUCKLEY EBREY on Song government public notices

review essays:
HAUN SAUSSY on what literary histories are, with three examples about Chinese literary history
RUTH ROGASKI on Asian epidemics of infectious disease in relation to modernity
MARK DRISCOLL on modernization and Japanese imperialism in Taiwan, as well as Okinawa, Korea, and Manchuria

Cover of HJAS Volume 78 Issue 2

December 2018

research articles:
STEPHEN MCDOWALL on cultural trauma of Ming remnant subjects
BRIAN STEININGER on medieval Sino-Japanese education
KEVIN BUCKELEW on supernatural embodiment in Buddhism & Daoism
ARMIN SELBITSCHKA on scribes’ skills and identity in early China

review essays:
PAMELA KYLE CROSSLEY on The Cambridge History of China series
EVELYN S. RAWSKI & SUSAN NAQUIN on eighteenth-century Canton trade
JAMES A MILLWARD on Xinjiang & Uyghur historiography
MATTHEW W. MOSCA on seventeenth-century maritime China