June & December 2024
AKINOBU KURODA on the importation and uses of old Chinese coins—real and counterfeit—in medieval Japan
MORTEN OXENBOELL on conflicts over forest resources and self-governance among mountain woodsmen in medieval Japan
REINIER H. HESSELINK on the life of a Nagasaki merchant, printer, church elder, and art sponsor during Japan’s “Nanban Moment”
MENGXIAO WANG on the fusion of ritual and theater in a Qing-era Buddhist play and its staging for edification and entertainment
Review Essays:
SEONMIN KIM on two scholarly arguments for Chosŏn Korea’s centrality in the history of imperial Chinese designs
MARIANA MÜNNING comparing a pair of recent studies about the creation of a national language for China
Biographical Essay:
MARY ELIZABETH BERRY on Elizabeth Huff (1912–1988), Harvard grad & founder of the UC Berkeley East Asian Library
And reviews of books by Peter Bol, Michael Bourdaghs, Paul Cha, Wai-yee Li, Hwasook Nam, Morgan Pitelka, Janine Sawada, Nathan Vedal, Lan Wu, and Lawrence Zhang