June-December 2021
DETAILS: One of a Pair of Small Jars with Decoration of Chrysanthemums, Pinks and Autumn Grasses [nineteenth century], Satsuma ware, H. 8.8 × D. 8 cm; Harvard Art Museums/Arthur M. Sackler Museum, Bequest of Mrs. William Hayes Fogg, 1895.370. A-B. Photo: Imaging Department © President and Fellows of Harvard College.
Special Issue: Slavery in Early Modern East, Inner, and Southeast Asia
Editorial Preface
In Memoriam, Albert M. Craig, 1927–2021, and Edwin A. Cranston, 1932–2021
The Widespread Invisibility of Slavery in Early Modern Asia
The Slaves of Widow Tsieko
Chinese Slaveholders in the Dutch Empire
This article shifts the focus from European to Chinese slave owners in the Dutch empire. We examine Ambon Island, where a resilient Chinese community was documented in detailed seventeenth-century censuses that allow us to peer into individual households. These records show that slave ownership was ubiquitous, with some Chinese residents owning dozens of enslaved people. These slaveholders included Chinese women, such as the Widow Tsieko, who were former slaves themselves. Although the census records provide important insights including striking examples of female mobility, they illuminate only one part of a wider spectrum of lived experience, hiding what everyday life was like for many Chinese-owned slaves. Eighteenth-century legal records reveal the routinized violence that was so intertwined with the lives of enslaved people in Chinese households under Dutch rule.
十七世紀的荷屬安汶島上的華人,普遍擁有奴隸: 278 華人居民就擁有 600 名奴隸,其中最特別的,是本身即是奴隸出身的寡婦 Tsieko。華人社群男女比例極度不平衡,加上荷蘭的遺產法律,使得少數女性擁有特別的上升流動管道,但是這樣的流動性是來自於殖民社會多元法律習俗的斡旋,與奴隸勞動的制度性暴力仍同時並存。
Domestic Law and Slavery in Late Imperial China
Glimpses from Lineage Registers
Over the past century, the late imperial Chinese nubi system has been the subject of numerous studies. Depicted as a highly exploitative mode of labor coercion, it has nonetheless been radically differentiated from slavery. In this article, I explore how nubi were conceptualized in late imperial China through the lens of lineages’ domestic regulations and admonitions. Nubi bondage was first and foremost a living experience of strong asymmetric dependency. However, as a de jure institution, its conceptual and normative dimensions do matter as they justified the enslavement of human beings and contributed to shaping household practices. Domestic regulations reveal a process that transformed outsiders into absolute inferiors. This consideration alone is an incentive to reconsider the alleged disqualification of nubi as a form of “slavery” and to engage broader comparisons with slavery in a more global perspective.
Japan’s Invasion of Chosŏn Korea and Abduction of Koreans
The Japanese invasion of Chosŏn, known as the Imjin War (K. Imjin waeran 壬辰倭亂, 1592–1598), ravaged Korea. Japanese troops abducted twenty to one hundred thousand or more Koreans to Japan. Although a fraction were repatriated, most abductees lived their lives in slavery in Japan or beyond. I argue that the Japanese abduction of Koreans was an extension of Japanese “pillage and violence” (J. ranbō rōzeki 濫妨狼藉) wartime practices that had emerged during the extended period of civil war during the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries. Moreover, the increase in abductions during the final years of the war derived from Japan’s failing military campaign. The Japanese abduction and treatment of Koreans reflects the slavery and human-trafficking practices that were still robust in Japanese society during the early seventeenth century.
임란에서 일본군은 2만에서 10만 혹은 그 이상으로 추산되는 조선인을 노획물로 납치했다. 조선인의 대량 납치는 일본 전국시대의 약탈 관행과 실패로 끝나가는 침략 전쟁에의 좌절 그리고 보상 심리에 연유했다. 조선인은 납치된 후 일본사회의 만연한 노예 노동 및 인신매매의 희생물이 되었다.
Slavery and Genre in The Plum in the Golden Vase
In this article, I argue for a reading of the long fiction Plum in the Golden Vase that does not simply excavate the text for facts but instead considers the genres of Ming imaginative literature as theories of social hierarchy. The novel’s sui generis form can be understood, I argue, as a socially symbolic act, particularly relating to the trafficking of human beings and especially of women. The Plum in the Golden Vase places at the very core of society the radical transactability of women. Finally, I interpret seventeenth-century debates about the text—namely, how to rehabilitate the text from its sexual content by reading these debates as relating not merely to aesthetics but also to social theory.
Slave Donations to Buddhist Parishes in Qing Mongolia
Donations of slaves to Buddhist parishes in Qing Mongolia contributed to growing parish populations and wealth in the eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries. I argue that Buddhist parish institutions thus benefited from the practice of slavery by encouraging donations of slaves and providing a refuge for former slaves. Mongolian archival testaments document slaveholders—both women and men—offering people, livestock, and other property to parishes. Slaveholders’ stated motivations for donation include protecting the formerly enslaved from predation and re-enslavement, fulfilling an enslaved person’s request to enroll in a parish, and generating merit for donors. Buddhist parishes’ self-interested administration of the transition between slave and nonslave nevertheless led to moderation of some of the worst practices of slavery and to a reduction in the number of enslaved people.
Чин улсын эрхшээл дорх Монгол оронд гэрийн боолчуудыг хутагтууд шавь болгон өргөх болсон нь шавийн захиргааны хүн ам болон эд баялгийг ихээхэн нэмэгдүүлж болсон. Монголын архивт буй өргөдөл, гэрээс бичгүүдэд боолын эзэд нь боолчуудаа өмч, малын хамтаар шавьд өргөж байсныг тэмдэглэжээ. Гэрийн боолыг нь хожим хойно хэн нэгэн дарлах, боолчлохоос хамгаалах буюу эсхүл боол болсон хүний шавьд багтах өөрийнх нь хүсэл, эзэн хүний хойтын буян гэх мэт сэдлээр боолчуудыг шавь болгон өргөж байв. Шавийн захиргаа нь өөрийн эрх ашгийн үүднээс боолын чөлөөлөгдөх явцыг зохицуулж байсан нь тухайн үеийн боолчлолын зарим нэг хүнд хэлбэр хувьсч өөрчлөгдөхөд нэмэр болсон байна.
Resilience of Korean Slavery
Tyrannical Owners, Resourceful Slaves, and the Equivocal State
In this article, I seek to understand the longevity of Korean slavery, the social and economic foundation of Chosŏn Korea (1392–1910). The tension of the competing economic needs of the state and yangban elites versus the state’s ideological commitment to benevolent governance led the state to formulate pliable policies on slavery. Legal cases concerning slaves’ oppression by slave owners reveal that owners exercised tyrannical power over their slaves. Yet laws also restrained slave owners in their dealings with slaves. Slaves, though subject to constant exploitation and unjust social conditions, took advantage of their economic, social, and familial resources as well as their legal rights in managing their precarious lives. This structural malleability enabling slaves’ agency created a form of slavery in Korea that endured for centuries.
이 논문은 조선왕조의 사회 경제적 근간을 이룬 노비제도가 장기지속된 원인을 노비들이 자신들이 갖고 있는 사회 경제적 자원과 법적 수단들을 이용하여 자신들의 삶을 주체적으로 영위해 나갈 수 있게 한 구조적 유연성에서 찾는다.
Self-Enslavement as Resistance to the State?
Siamese Early Modern Laws on Slavery
I examine slavery laws, as reproduced in the 1805 Three Seals Code, as well as accounts of Europeans, to compare the legal conditions of enslaved people and serfs in early modern Siam. I argue that the Siamese kingdom of Ayutthaya (1350–1767) was a slave society where contractual self-enslavement was a widespread means for serfs to escape required corvée and military service to the state. I also suggest that differentiating indigenous contractual slaves (temporary, collateral, and permanent), who were protected to various degrees by the law, from enslaved foreign war captives, who were potentially outside of any legal framework, invites us to rethink freedom and slavery as a continuum rather than a dichotomy.
จากการตรวจสอบ “พระไอยการทาษ” ซึ่งตีพิมพ์ใหม่ในกฎหมายตราสามดวง (1805) และบันทึกของคณะมิสชันนารีจากยุโรปที่เดินทางมาอยุธยา ผู้เขียนนำเสนอหลักเกณฑ์เงื่อนไขทางกฎหมายของทาสในอาณาจักรเปรียบเทียบกับหลักเกณฑ์เงื่อนไขของไพร่ประเภทต่างๆ โดยผู้เขียนได้ชี้ให้เห็นว่าในสังคมทาสของอยุธยานั้น การขายตัวลงเป็นทาสด้วยการตกลงทำสัญญา หรือ “ทาสสินไถ่” คือ วิธีการทั่วไปของไพร่ในการต่อต้านรัฐเพื่อใช้หลีกหนีจากการเกณฑ์แรงงานหรือการเกณฑ์ทหาร นอกจากนี้ ผู้เขียนเสนอว่าจำเป็นต้องศึกษาวิจัยเพิ่มเติมต่อไปในประเด็นความแตกต่างระหว่างทาสสินไถ่ที่ได้รับความคุ้มครองตามกฎหมาย กับเชลยสงครามซึ่งน่าจะอยู่นอกกรอบกฎหมาย
The Commensurability of Slavery in Macau and South China
On September 12, 1672, an eighteen-year-old Chinese slave called Ângela was sold by a low-level Qing official to a Portuguese merchant at Macau’s northern gate, or so her limited-term servitude certificate claims. At that moment, Ângela moved from one part of a loosely integrated global market to another, crossing linguistic and cultural boundaries that shaped both her legal status and lived experience. This move was facilitated by fundamental similarities in the ways human beings were commodified in the Iberian world and early Qing China, which were in turn undergirded by overlapping ideas about degraded status and loosely equivalent customs surrounding property and contracts. As a contribution to the global history of early modern slavery, this article makes extensive use of both Chinese and Western sources to explore the limits of such commensurability and what it might have meant for Chinese women like Ângela who were sold in Macau.
1672 年,一位十八歲的中國女子被賣予澳門葡萄牙商人為奴,從跨越語言文化的中國邊界到達地球的另一邊的伊比利亞世界,但兩處對以人類為財產的概念與習慣卻有着不少相似之處。本文將利用中外史料探討這種相似性的局限,以更進一步了解當時被賣奴隸的人生。
Temporarily for Your Majesty
Debates on Abolishing Courtesan Slavery in Chosŏn Korea
I identify the institution of government courtesans in Chosŏn Korea as state slavery. Government courtesans, like other government slaves and like private household slaves, were legally defined as chattel property in Chosŏn. Yet courtesans differed from those other types of slaves because their performances—labor mandated by the state—were constantly questioned and delegitimized by the government of nearly every Chosŏn king. Based on an examination of fifteenth- and sixteenth-century court debates about abolishing the courtesan system, I argue that the government’s repeated failures to abolish the use of courtesans produced the Chosŏn courtesan system as an illegitimate, temporary, and dispensable state apparatus. Paradoxically, the repeated designation of ongoing courtesan participation in royal, diplomatic, and military events as temporary in fact perpetuated courtesan slavery, even as the nominal illegitimacy removed any legal, social, or moral justification for the system.
이 논문은 조선 정부에서 국가 노예제인 관기 제도를 폐지하기 위한 논쟁을 거듭했으나 매번 실패하는 지속적 과정이 관기 제도를 부적절하고, 임시적이며, 제거 가능한 조직으로 만드는 담론적 효과를 창출했으며, 이를 통해 역설적으로 국가 노예제의 권력 위계 질서를 영속화했다는 점에 대해 살펴본다.
Remember Girl Zero
Asia-Pacific Patriliny and Female Slavery
In 1872, Maria Luz, a Peruvian ship transporting indentured Chinese “coolies” from Macau to Peru, stopped in the international treaty port of Yokohama, Japan. Amid intense international scrutiny, governor Ōe Taku investigated and then liberated all male coolies on board. However, Ōe left the ship’s captain, Ricardo Hereiro, in possession of an unnamed girl he had purchased in Macau. Since 1872, the Maria Luz incident has been incessantly narrated as a triumph of global abolitionism and evidence of Japan’s progress toward civilization and enlightenment. Historical amnesia has reigned regarding the unliberated girl. Rethinking the incident from this girl’s perspective reveals less rupture than continuity in the flourishing Asia-Pacific traffic in women and girls—framed as patrilineal kinship and licensed by abolitionists’ gendered double standards. The resulting moral and legal blind spots continue to obscure female enslavement in present-day scholarship.
1872 年のマリア・ルス号事件で、神奈川県長の大江卓が船上の清国人の男の苦力を解放したが、無名の少女は解放しなかった。少女は忘れ去れ、世界中の奴隷解放運動と日本の文明開化との勝利として事件が語られてきた。ただ父系性下盛んな女の奴隷化・人身売買が継続された。